Services  —

Product Discovery

Our product discovery sprints help your business reduce uncertainty, validate new ideas, and get valuable insights to build loveable technology. Product discovery leads to better decisions. Better decisions save money.

Key Capabilities

Market Analysis

UX Research

User Interviews

Rapid Prototyping

Human Centred Design

User Testing

MVP Scoping

Benefits of a Discovery Phase

Validate Ideas

Leverage the discovery process to prevent costly oversights, aligning your product roadmap with user pain points and business goals.

Understand Users

Streamline your product development process with the right product strategy, defining an MVP (minimum viable product) that focuses on real value and user feedback.

Define MVP Solution

Deepen user understanding of what's most important and build the right product. Our product management prioritises resonating with your target audience from day one.

Prevent Costly Mistakes

Utilise product discovery to ensure you validate assumptions and build the most important features first, based on real user needs.

Our Product Discovery Process

Research & Discovery

Our dedicated discovery team delves into market trends, user needs, and competitor analysis, formulating strategies to craft superior, resonating, and unique products.

Engaging Real Users
Direct interactions with target users offer invaluable insights for design precision.
Comprehensive Data
Interviews and surveys capture insights into user preferences and behaviours.
Competitive Analysis
Understanding competitors ensures your product's unique market position.
Clear Strategy
Data-driven insights and metrics steer a clear product vision and roadmap.

Other Activities

User Research


Journey Maps


User Stories


Customer Feedback

Prototype Design

Using a design-thinking approach, we transform feedback and insights into tangible, validated prototypes, ensuring they are user-centric and compelling.

Initial Sketching
Simple sketches form the base, laying out primary design ideas.
In-Depth Wireframing
Evolution to wireframes refines your product design, ensuring clarity.
UI Design
Best practices and iterative UI design ensures visually compelling product interfaces.
Rapid Prototyping
Quick tangible models to validate solution assumptions effectively.

Other Activities

Solution Mapping


Visual Research


Customer Interviews


Solution Sketching


By validating prototypes, we understand user preferences and gain insights for feature enhancement in your existing product backlog.

User Testing Insights
Direct user testing reveals likes, dislikes, and potential solutions.
Feedback Analysis
Harnessing user feedback strategically to refine and perfect our solution.
A/B Test Outcomes
Different versions compared to determine optimal user experiences.
Refinement & Iteration
Continuous refinement ensures product-market fit and user satisfaction.

Other Activities

Real User Validation


Usability Testing


Product Iteration


MVP Definition

MVP Strategy

Pinpointing core features for an MVP, we align with user needs and provide immediate viability and value while planning for future enhancements.

Feature Selection
We laser-focus on pivotal features addressing user pain points.
Roadmap Creation
Launch plans are tailored to timelines, budget, and feedback.
MVP Evolution
Incorporating user insights for long-term product evolution and success.
Immediate user utility combined with strategic future vision.

Other Activities



Feature Prioritisation




Product Roadmap Creation


Want to validate a new business opportunity? Let’s talk

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Schedule a free Discovery Call with Scott, our UX Director & Co-Founder.
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