Carepatron  —

The world’s first all-in-one health platform.


Prior to Carepatron, clinical management software globally available to healthcare professionals fell short - massively. This was a significant issue considering up to 40% of their workday consisted of low-value, repetitive tasks like scheduling, billing, reporting, and note-taking.

Carepatron partnered with Edition in early 2020 to interrogate and completely reimagine their proof of concept solution. Together we collaborated with over 700+ healthcare professionals across New Zealand, Australia, Asia Pacific, and North America to bring the world’s first all-in-one practice management solution to life.




Marketing Website

Digital Product

Brand Identity


Platform audit

Discovery & user research

Solution architecture

Support with prioritisation of product backlog

Design of responsive web application

Development of various platform features

Website redesign and development

Design system creation

Evolution of brand assets for digital



saved time on average for Carepatron users per day.


increase in post trial conversion


clinical events have been captured within Carepatron.


Carepatron has achieved an NPS almost triple the industry benchmark.

“The thing that puts Edition above anyone else is the fact that they care as much about your business as you do.”

Jamie Frew

Founder at Carepatron

An atomic component library

Carepatron had to cater to all skill levels and be accessible across different devices, resolutions, and screen sizes. We designed a sophisticated yet simple user experience, focusing on common UI patterns to bring a sense of familiarity – allowing our time-poor community complete control without prior training.

We developed a component library using atomic design methodology. Taking a minimalist approach to assist the cognitive load of our users, we opted for refined typefaces, simplified navigation, and easily accessible task cards that section out the interface. Wrapped in a muted colour palette; the refined design system reflects maximum accessibility through any user journey stage.

A cohesive experience

With a brand new platform ready to launch to customers, Carepatron needed to revisit their brand and marketing collateral to ensure one cohesive experience. We supported with the design and development of a new website and helped refresh the brand’s visual identity.

Fostering community

Carepatron was co-created with 234 healthcare teams across 9 countries, including NZ, Australia, Asia Pacific, and North America - and it shows. Since launch, the business has seen continued success globally, with an NPS almost triple the industry benchmark.

Carepatron puts practitioners and their clients back into the heart of healthcare and fosters a community focused on people's needs, not clerical work.

“Carepatron has changed the way I work. It saves me a huge amount of time ultimately giving me more time to do the work that I love."

Sandra Laurenson

Clinical Psychologist

Awards & Recognition

Winner, Apps & Software

Good Design Awards

Winner, Interface

Good Design Awards

Silver, Digital Tools & Utilities

Indigo Design Awards

Silver, UX, Interface & Navigation

Indigo Design Awards

Silver, UX, Interface & Navigation

Indigo Design Awards

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